Wireless Emergency Alert System
LoRaWAN Solutions for Remote Monitoring
iWOW is an expert in LoRA network deployment for telecom companies and the private sector and has deployed a Panic Alert System in 16 townships within Singapore, in particular, for the elderly estates. The system has been operational since November 2019 and continues to be deployed. It is targeted to benefit up to 10,000 households in Phase 2.
Residents in distress can simply press the red emergency button for assistance. Once triggered, the Alert Button sends the alert wirelessly by LoRaWan technology to a cloud-based application server, where the alerts are monitored 24/7.

Our IoT Solutions
Protecting people and businesses in a pandemic
Designed for those who prefer not to use a mobile app , the TraceTogether Token was commissioned by the Singapore government to monitor the spread of Covid-19 among the community.

Keeping our elderly and vulnerable communities safe
Helping Elderly Residents who are living alone have peace of mind that they can access help when they need it most.

Supporting our offenders re-integrate
Our Electronic Tagging System allow young offenders and prisoners to serve their curfew at the comfort of their home while they re-integrate into society